weight loss Diet programs

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 BREAKFAST : Make sure your day gets off to a tasty start!


Serves 2 Ready in 10 mins

125g frozen baby broad beans
75g frozen peas
2 sprigs fresh mint
1⁄2 small garlic clove, finely crushed
1tsp tahini
1tbsp lemon juice
Salt and pepper
To serve
1 large carrot, cut into batons
16 radishes
2 celery sticks, cut into batons


1. Place the frozen beans and peas in
a pan with 200ml lightly salted, boiling
water and 1whole mint sprig. Simmer
for 4-5 mins, or until tender, then drain,
reserving the mint and the cooking
water. Set aside for both the water and
beans to cool.
2. Tip the cooled beans and peas into the
small bowl of a food processor with the
garlic, tahini and lemon juice. Strain
100ml of the cooking liquid into the food
processor, discarding the mint.
3. Blend until almost smooth, adding more
cooking liquid if necessary. Season to taste,
then scrape into a bowl and garnish with a
fewleaves from the remaining mint sprig.
Serve immediately with the crudités, or
chill until required

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