In a Candida fungal infection, there is a contagion of some of the fungi present in the body. You may suffer from this during or after the use of antibiotics or in a situation where there is a reduced resistance. A natural remedy that can help fight Candida and restore the right balance in the body is caprylic acid. The medicine is available without prescription and can be taken in capsule form.
Caprylic acid in Candida fungal
What is caprylic acid?
Caprylic acid
is a saturated fatty acid and a type of carboxylic acid that is found in, among
other things, human sweat and the milk of various mammals, but, for example, it
has also been processed in things like soap, perfume and beer. It is also
known under the system name octanoic acid . It also has many
more applications, for example, it is used in antimicrobial pesticides. It
is also used in various dietary supplements, including supplements aimed at
weight loss and improving endurance in athletes. An application of
caprylic acid which is less known is that of antidote to a Candida fungal
About Candida fungal infection

A Candida fungal
infection often occurs in the mouth and throat and at the genitals. It can
also have effects on the skin and nails. In the throat and tongue, a white
to yellow batter is often noticeable ( see illustration ). Around
the genitals, complaints such as itchiness, redness, a burning sensation and a
grainy, white secretion occur. In women, therefore, there is a white
flood. Candida infections can also raise the head in moist skin wrinkles
such as the loins and armpits or under the breasts. It can concentrate in
one place like the tongue or pubic region, but can also occur on several parts
of the body at one and the same time.
Who goes to the GP with Candida fungal infections will often get an anti-fungal medicine such as terbinafine, miconazole or nystatin. If a local treatment is not sufficient, it is often chosen for tablets like fluconazole.
Who goes to the GP with Candida fungal infections will often get an anti-fungal medicine such as terbinafine, miconazole or nystatin. If a local treatment is not sufficient, it is often chosen for tablets like fluconazole.
Use of caprylic acid at Candida
An alternative to
the above-mentioned means - which does not require a doctor's prescription -
is caprylic acid , which can work very effectively when combating a
Candida fungal infection. These kinds of infections are caused by a disbalance
in the body with regard to fungi and bacteria. Caprylic acid serves as a
natural antidote to Candida. It enhances the good bacteria in the body and
thus helps restore the natural balance. Caprylic acid contains so-called
short-chain fatty acids, which are absorbed by Candida fungi. Because it
also changes the cell structure of the fungus, it becomes easy for the body to
discharge excessive fungus so that the balance can recover and the complaints
disappear quickly.
An advantage of
caprylic acid versus drugs such as miconazole or terbinafine is that it is
completely natural. Many people find this important. In addition,
there are also very few side effects known. At first use, only a few
stomach complaints may occur. If you feel the symptoms of Candida and feel
embarrassed to go to the doctor with complaints from the genitals, caprylic
acid can also provide a solution. You do not need a recipe for
this. Candida can also be shown by a home test , which is
available for approximately € 15 euro (2017) at various online
pharmacies. If the symptoms persist for more than two weeks please contact
your doctor.