The top 5 most common mistakes in acne treatment

The top 5 most common mistakes in acne treatment

Natural remedies
 I've already written some of the best things to do to treat acne from the inside. Many people do not know this, but I have suffered from acne for years. First of all, I thought that after puberty, it would be over, not so!
Iknow very well what it's like to have acne and what to do with your self-confidence .
As a result, many people are forced to suppress acne with medication . Unfortunately, long-term medication is certainly not the best strategy.
In this article I would like to talk about typical acne treatments, the most mistakes and natural alternatives to treat acne from the inside.

Content article:

Prescription medication 
Most mistakes 
Natural solutions plus video

Prescription medication against acne

Most people with acne only have a mild form of acne. Medication is then activated to prevent the symptoms. During medication bacteria are killed causing inflammation on the skin. Less bacteria is less acne! Simple yet? Unfortunately, there are side effects when using medication.
Below is a list of acne medication:


This is a medicine that is used mainly to prevent black eaters or white heads on the skin. It improves the skin because the upper layer of the skin becomes less thick. This results in less rapid inflammation resulting in less acne formation. However, it must be said that bacteria are not killed or counteract the sebum production.
In addition, the natural barrier is reduced. In my opinion, certainly not a good measure against acne in the long term.

Benzoyl Peroxide

An ointment you can get on different strengths. I myself used the 5% variant for years with pretty good results. It kills the bacteria and reduces the production of sebum. It can also be used to clean the pores. Against mild acne, definitely an effective remedy.
However, be careful not to take too strong a variant and there are always side effects like a more sensitive skin and more susceptible to sunlight.

Salicylic acid

This is particularly effective against inflammation. It causes skin cells to be replaced more quickly, resulting in less inflammation. In addition, you will get less quickly with co-eater and tallow. Especially with a fat skin effective.

Vitamin A derivative

This is prescribed in mild to severe acne. I have used vitamin A derivative for a while (the lowest dose possible) and noticed that I had much less eaten and skin inflammation.

Azelaic acid

This is used in mild and moderate acne, but also in reducing pigment stains. It works by reducing the production of tallow.


In severe acne eruptions with underlying inflammation or even cyst development. Then corticosteroids can be prescribed . But also isotretinoin and can be seen as a horse rider. In England, the drug is no longer allowed. Side effects include dry lips, muscle aches and pregnancy may not be taken.


Finally, a variety of antibiotics are ointment or pills prescribed to reduce acne. One of the best known is minocycline, and I myself have taken years with varying results. Acne formation is getting less, but the side effects are annoying. Thus, I myself suffered from muscle aches, dry flakes on the skin and intolerance to the sun.
Remember that you can build up a resistance to bacteria when you stop the cure abruptly or in long term use.

The most common mistakes in acne treatments

If you suffer from acne, chances are you can not see the forest through the trees. Medication can be confusing and the side effects do not make it easier. In addition, you also have a dramatic reduction in the amount of cosmetic products with the message acne.
It's relatively easy to make your acne worse because of many mistakes.
Below, I want to review the most mistakes you made:

1. Stop treatment immediately

It may well happen that it takes a while before your skin can recover from acne. Even with a horse drugsuch as roaccutane it may take weeks or even months before acne is visibly reduced. If you take medication you should of course consult your dermatologist.
But also do not get rid of early and cure. It may also be a good idea to make the complaints worse in the initial stage. This can be seen as a message that affects your skin at least. However, irritation may of course be mild only. If you get severe irritations, it is better to stop or consult with your dermatologist.

2. Clean the skin thoroughly

An error I have made for a long time. I used a face cleaner, a scrub and even a face mask to get rid of excess sebum. Here you have to take care because you can clean your skin too often for additional acne complaints. Therefore always use a well balanced mild pH facial cleanser without alcohol (read the label!). Now this does not have to be expensive. Even your own brand face cleaner can be good enough.

3.Try many products at once

I can imagine when you have acne that you want to try everything. From beer ginger to apple cider vinegar . It is important not to try too much. When you do this you do not have an overview and you will not come on. It is better to try each treatment or product separately to see how your skin reacts. My own skin regimen is very simple and effective. I clean my face once a day with a mild face cleaner.
I use a good oil based moisturizer and a zinc oxide ointment (zz cream) against acne formation. No more, no medication or weird means. Also, do not forget that certain supplements may affect, for example, the effect of medication. For example, antibiotics should not take calcium at least 2 to 3 hours prior to ingestion.

4. Choose the wrong products

Facial cleansers based on alcohol or most popular products usually do not work. You should definitely not block the pores or damage the epidermis unnecessarily. I also have to say that many of the popular products do not work well in many people. I also have no good experience with this product line. Usually these products are developed for juveniles and not for acne.

5. Express squeezes or pimples

This may be the dumbest thing you can do. The problem is that it is so hard to resist (I know). When you try to express a hump you have bacteria at your fingertips. This then gets into the wound, causing you to get a big inflammation.
It is better to wait until the hump is dehydrated or express only if you know exactly what you are doing. In addition, you can also permanently damage the skin by typing acne scars, just do not do it anymore!

Natural solutions to acne

Now I can write a whole book about different natural solutions to acne. The challenge is that there are many contradictory messages (especially online) about what works and does not work against acne. Based on my own experience and the experience of my students, I would like to give you the following:
1.Notify anyone and be critical. Most doctors and dermatologists say that your diet does not affect acne. It has to do with your hormones and medication is the way. Now, I have to say that your diet really affects your skin. When you take too much sugar , it affects your blood sugar level , which again affects the hormones and can certainly lead to a worsening of acne.
2. You are sure what you eat at acne! It's crucial to look closely at your diet. Do you eat many processed foods? Regularly a bar of chocolate after choosing? The simplest thing you can do to get a nicer skin is by eating healthier.
Avoid as many processed foods, eat fresh and organic, little processed, get enough of the healthy ( omega 3 fats) in your system and test whether reducing dairy products works with you. A gluten-free diet may also work well.
3. Look carefully if you have allergies . It may be good that acne is a message of your body on an allergy or just a shortage of certain vitamins and minerals. This way I get more acne from taking excessive dairy products and gluten . A food allergy occurs more often than you would think! Tip: Add a food diary to find out which foods make you acne worse.

Top natural remedies based on experiences

Personally, I have the best experience with the glycemic index . In other words, how quickly sugar gets into your system and delay it as much as possible with foods with low glycemic load. Many fibers are definitely part of this. In addition, foods eat rich antioxidants (such as blueberries or just green tea ).

But also drink green tea daily and treat the skin with an anti demodex ointment. The theory is that excessive demodex mite just causes inflammation. I myself use zz cream of demodex solutions with good results. Finally, I get regular reactions that make apple cider vinegar diluted also have a positive effect on the reduction of acne.

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